Tuesday 18 September 2012

The scary first.

Ever since I was a teenager, I've always enjoyed keeping a scrapbook that I used to swap with my mates and we would each add a little bit of ourselves to it every week. But with times changing we gave up and I have no idea where that book now rests. Now that technology has come so far I genuinely don't think anyone has the time to pick up a pen to write anymore. Which is quite sad.......But enough of that! This is my latest attempt at an online scrapbook of sorts where I shall unleash my crazy to the world with my random thoughts, girly things, new discoveries, favourites, and all sorts. I have no idea or plans on which direction my blog will take but thats quite exciting!

To kick things off I would like to share my love for the one and only Audrey Hepburn! Oh how I wish I could turn back time and be born in a time where everyone looked so polished! :) Who's your favourite screen/style icon? xx


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